
CLI Basics

As with other command line interface (CLI) tools, the format of a typical yojenkins CLI interaction looks like this:

yojenkins <command> <subcommand> [options] [ARGUMENTS]

Here [optoins] are flags that do not have to be specified. For example, --yaml is a common option. [ARGUMENTS] are documneted as uppder case and must be specified for the command. For example, yojenkins folder info [OPTIONS] FOLDER, where folder name/URL are required.

To look up any command and sub-command help documentation, supplement the command with --help. For example, yojenkins auth configure --help


To troubleshoot any issues or to see what yojenkins is doing behind the scenes, use the --debug option

The following is the main menu displayed when running yojenkins --help.

❯ yojenkins --help

                        YOJENKINS (Version: 0.0.00)

  yojenkins is a flexible tool that is focused on interfacing with Jenkins
  server from the comfort of the beloved command line. This tool can also be
  used as a middleware utility, generating and passing Jenkins information or
  automating tasks.


    1. Configure yo profile:  yojenkins auth configure
    2. Add yo API token:      yojenkins auth token --profile <PROFILE NAME>
    3. Verify yo creds:       yojenkins auth verify
    4. Explore yojenkins

  -v, --version  Show the version
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  account     Manage user accounts
  auth        Manage authentication and profiles
  build       Manage builds
  credential  Manage credentials
  folder      Manage folders
  job         Manage jobs
  node        Manage nodes
  server      Manage server
  stage       Manage build stages
  step        Manage stage steps
  tools       Tools and more

The sub-menus can be accessed by entering yojenkins followed by the sub-menu name. For example, yojenkins server will display the server sub-menu.

❯ yojenkins server --help

Usage: yojenkins server [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Server Management

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  browser          Open server home page in web browser
  info             Server information
  people           Show all people/users on server
  plugins          Show plugin information
  queue            Show current job build queues on server
  quiet            Server quite mode enable/disable
  reachable        Check if server is reachable
  restart          Restart the server
  server-deploy    Create a local development server using Docker
  server-teardown  Remove a local development server
  shutdown         Shut down the server

In turn, the sub-menu commands can be accessed by entering yojenkins server followed by the sub-menu command name. For example, yojenkins server browser will open the Jenkins server home page in the browser.


Some commands may be greyed out. These commands are not yet implemented.

Of course you can view the help menu for the sub-menu's commands by adding --help. For example, yojenkins server browser --help will display the help menu for the browser

❯ yojenkins server browser --help

Usage: yojenkins server browser [OPTIONS]

  Open server home page in web browser

  --debug         Enable debug level log messages
  --profile TEXT  Authentication profile for command
  --help          Show this message and exit.


Effortless authentication is something that yojenkins can do for you. Once you have authentication profiles set up, it is not something you have to think about much while using yojenkins.

Authentication Profiles

yojenkins has the ability to store and manage authentication profiles. You are able to store and manage different authentication credentials and use them to authenticate with the Jenkins server as you need them, without having to enter them each time you need to interact with each Jenkins server.

Different authentication profiles can be used for different Jenkins servers. For example, you can have a profile for your local development server and a profile for your production Jenkins server.

You can also have different authentication profiles for different Jenkins user accounts. For example, you may have a profile for an Jenkins administrator and a profile for a regular user.

Authentication profiles are stored in your local ~/.yojenkins directory inside the credentials file. The credentials file is a TOML file that contains a list of authentication profiles. Remember that the ~ is a shorthand for the user's home directory.


Authentication profiles work very similar to that of AWS CLI, storing credentials locally inside the ~/.aws/credentials file.

The ~/.yojenkins directory and the credentials file can be manually created, however, yojenkins will create these files for you if they do not exist.

An example of the contents of the credentials file looks like this:

jenkins_server_url = ""
username = "id236"
api_token = "11fb9cb61d34edfe73f82763cf8879c79a"
active = true

jenkins_server_url = "http://localhost:8080"
username = "admin"
api_token = "55fg9cb61d34edfe83f82763cf8879c70v"
active = true

Note the different profile names in the credentials file. The first profile is default. This is the profile that is used when no other profile is specified. If available, the default profile is automatically activated when the yojenkins command is run.

The profile sections are as follows:

  • jenkins_server_url: The full URL of the Jenkins server's home page.
  • username: The username of the Jenkins user account.
  • api_token: The API token of the Jenkins user account. This can be fetched through the Jenkins server UI, or through yojenkins. If this has no value assigned to it, you will be prompted to enter your password or API token at each command.
  • active: Whether the profile can be used or not. This can be useful if you want to temporarily disable a profile and ensure that you don't accidentally use it.


The api_token can be the account password, however it is highly recommended that you use an API token. You do not want to store a Jenkins account password in plain text.

Configuring a Profile

To use an authentication profile you need to first create a profile. For example, to create a profile for your local development server, you can do one of the following two methods.

Running this command will prompt you for the required information, The prompt will look something like the following:

❯ yojenkins auth configure

Credentials profile file found in current user home directory:
Adding a new profile to the current credentials profile file ...
Please enter the following information to add a profile:

[ OPTIONAL ] Enter PROFILE NAME (default):  demo-profile
[ REQUIRED ] Enter USERNAME:  demo_user

Successfully configured credentials file

You can leave the API token blank since you can use yojenkins to add the API token later.


The profile name is optional because if you do not enter anything for this item, the profile will be named default and overwrite any existing default profile with the same name.

Manually edit the ~/.yojenkins/credentials file directly

You can manually edit the ~/.yojenkins/credentials file directly. The file is in TOML file format. Each profile will have the following information structure:

jenkins_server_url = ""
username = "demo_user"
api_token = ""
active = true

The active field is used to determine whether the profile can be used or not. If you want to temporarily disable a profile, you can set the active field to false.

You can leave the API token blank since you can use yojenkins to add the API token later.

Using a JSON file

If you need to configure profiles without terminal prompts or manually adding tokens to the credentials file, you can use a predefined JSON file to configure profiles. This method allows you to simultaneously configure multiple profiles at once.

The predefined JSON file can be specified with the --auth-file option.

The following is an example of the JSON file used to set up two authentication profiles:

    "server_1": {
        "active": true,
        "api_token": "11fb9cb61d34edfe73f82763cf8879c79a",
        "jenkins_server_url": "",
        "username": "my_user_id_1"
    "server_2": {
        "active": true,
        "api_token": "48fb9cb61d34edfe73f82763cf8879u79y",
        "jenkins_server_url": "",
        "username": "my_user_id_2"

These profiles would then be configured with

yojenkins auth configure --auth-file my_auth_file.json

Authenticating Without a Local Credentials File

Sometimes it is advantageous to not rely on a locally stored credentials file and feed all required information via the CLI prompt. This can be particularly useful in a continuous integration pipeline setups.

This is possible by passing authentication credentials as a JSON object text/string into the --profile CLI option.

The JSON object string will include the contents of an entire profile.

Example 1: All In One Command

Here all information is provided within one single command. Note, the quotation mark patterns.

yojenkins server info --profile '{"jenkins_server_url": "", "username": "user1", "api_token": "48fb9cb61d34edfe73f82763cf8879u79y"}'

Example 2: Using a Environmental Variable

MY_CREDS='{"jenkins_server_url": "", "username": "user1", "api_token": "48fb9cb61d34edfe73f82763cf8879u79y"}'
yojenkins server info --profile $MY_CREDS

Providing or Overriding API Token

yojenkins allows you to override or seperataly provide the API token for the targeted Jenkins server by using the --token CLI option available to yojenkins commands. This can be particularly useful in a continuous integration pipeline setups where you may keep the API token within a secrets manager.

yojenkins server info --token 48fb9cb61d34edfe73f82763cf8879u79y

Requesting and Storing API Tokens

yojenkins is able to request an API token from the Jenkins server to use for subsequent authentication requests.

To simply generate and display the API token, you can run the following command. Note that yojenkins does not reference a profile, so it will ask a few question to be able to generate the API token.

❯ yojenkins auth token

Enter desired API TOKEN NAME: demo-test
Enter Jenkins SERVER BASE URL: http://localhost:8080/
Enter Jenkins server USERNAME: admin
Enter "admin" PASSWORD:


More conveniently, you can generate an API token using the information stored in a authentication profile and subsequently store the new API token inside an existing authentication profile. The following command will request a new API token from the server and store it within the default under the api_token key.

❯ yojenkins auth token --profile default

Enter "admin" PASSWORD:



You can also manually fetch the API token from the Jenkins UI:

  1. Click on your username in the top right corner of the Jenkins UI
  2. Click on the "Configure" button in the menu on the right
  3. In the "API Token" section, click "Add new Token"
  4. Copy the generated API token and paste it into the api_token field in the ~/.yojenkins/credentials file

Order of Precedence Specifying Profiles

Each time yojenkins is run, it will look for a way to determine which authentication profile to use. The order of precedence of looking for a profile specifier is as follows:

  1. --profile command argument
    • The --profile command argument specifies the profile name, the profile specified by the argument will be used.
    • Example: yojenkins server info --profile my-profile
  2. Environment variable YOJENKINS_PROFILE
    • Example: export YOJENKINS_PROFILE=my-profile
  3. "default" profile in the ~/.yojenkins/credentials file
  4. First active profile in the ~/.yojenkins/credentials file

If none of the above are satisfied, yojenkins will prompt for Jenkins server credentials.

Output Formatting

Often times you will want to see the output of a command in a different format. For example, you may want to see the output of a yojenkins server info command in a different format than the default.

The following output formats are supported:

Any output with any format can be supplemented with --pretty to make the output more readable.

Here are some examples of how different output formats looks like using the yojenkins account list command:


❯ yojenkins account list
[{"id": "admin", "me": true, "fullName": "admin", "description": "", "absoluteUrl": "http://localhost:8080/user/admin", "userFolder": {"directory": true, "file": false, "freeSpace": 18083065856, "invalid": false, "canonicalPath": "/var/jenkins_home/users/admin_6787401061636913615", "usableSpace": 16512360448, "hidden": false, "totalSpace": 30525820928, "path": "/var/jenkins_home/users/admin_6787401061636913615", "name": "admin_6787401061636913615", "prefixLength": 1, "absolute": true, "absolutePath": "/var/jenkins_home/users/admin_6787401061636913615", "parent": "/var/jenkins_home/users"}, "isAdmin": true, "isManager": true, "isSystemRead": true, "canRead": true, "canWrite": true, "canUpdate": true, "canDelete": true, "canConfigure": true, "authorities": [], "lastGrantedAuthoritiesChanged": "Mon Nov 15 14:19:08 UTC 2021"}]

Pretty Formatting

❯ yojenkins account list --pretty

        "absoluteUrl": "http://localhost:8080/user/admin",
        "authorities": [],
        --- SNIP ---
        "lastGrantedAuthoritiesChanged": "Mon Nov 15 14:19:08 UTC 2021",
        "me": true,
        "userFolder": {
            "absolute": true,
            "absolutePath": "/var/jenkins_home/users/admin_6787401061636913615",
            --- SNIP ---
            "totalSpace": 30525820928,
            "usableSpace": 16512339968


❯ yojenkins account list --yaml

- absoluteUrl: http://localhost:8080/user/admin
  authorities: []
  --- SNIP ---
  lastGrantedAuthoritiesChanged: Mon Nov 15 14:19:08 UTC 2021
  me: true
    absolute: true
    absolutePath: /var/jenkins_home/users/admin_6787401061636913615
    --- SNIP ---
    totalSpace: 30525820928
    usableSpace: 16620826624


❯ yojenkins account list --toml

id = "admin"
me = true
--- SNIP ---
authorities = []
lastGrantedAuthoritiesChanged = "Mon Nov 15 14:19:08 UTC 2021"

directory = true
file = false
freeSpace = 18191482880
--- SNIP ---
absolutePath = "/var/jenkins_home/users/admin_6787401061636913615"
parent = "/var/jenkins_home/users"


❯ yojenkins account list --xml --pretty

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
                        --- SNIP ---
                --- SNIP ---
                <lastGrantedAuthoritiesChanged>Mon Nov 15 14:19:08 UTC 2021</lastGrantedAuthoritiesChanged>

Live Monitoring

Sometimes you would like to keep a watch on a Job, monitoring the status of its builds, or a specific Build, monitoring its steps or status. yojenkins makes this possible with a CLI-based user interface for job and build monitoring.

Job Monitor

yojenkins offers a CLI based user interface for monitoring jobs. The job monitor will display the status of all past and current build of the job.

In addition, the job monitors offers some job actions that can be activated via shortcut keys.

TODO: Complete this section

yojenkins job monitor <JOB>

Build Monitor

yojenkins offers a CLI based user interface for monitoring individual builds. This build monitor will display some basic information about the build, including build status.

In addition, the build monitor offers some build actions that can be activated via shortcut keys.

TODO: Complete this section

yojenkins build monitor <JOB> --latest --sound


Command History

By default, each time you run a yojenkins command, that command is logged to the ~/.yojenkins/history file. If the file does not exist, it will be created.

This file is essentially a JSON file which holds the following meta data for each command:

  1. The profile used for the command
  2. yojenkins path
  3. Command arguments
  4. Timestamp
  5. Formatted datatime
  6. The version of the yojenkins used to run the command

To show the history of commands, run yojenkins tools history. To only show the history of a specific profile, run yojenkins tools history --profile <PROFILE NAME>.

Here is a sample output of the yojenkins tools history command:

❯ yojenkins tools history

[default] [Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:34:58] [v0.0.00] - yojenkins server info --debug
[default] [Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:35:54] [v0.0.00] - yojenkins account list
[default] [Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:36:15] [v0.0.00] - yojenkins credential get-template user-pass --json --pretty
[demo-profile] [Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:38:45] [v0.0.00] - yojenkins account list
[demo-profile] [Tuesday, December 28, 2021 10:39:05] [v0.0.00] - yojenkins server info

Clearing the entire yojenkins history file, run yojenkins tools history --clear.

Generic REST Server Requests

Sometimes yojenkins does not support a specific request to the server. For example, if there is a new or complex REST request you may want to use, you can use the yojenkins tools rest-request command

The convenience of this command is that it will automatically use your authentication profile to make the request. It will know to use the host, username, and password from your authentication profile.

For example, given the following authentication profile:

jenkins_server_url = ""
username = "id236"
api_token = "11fb9cb61d34FAKE73f82763cf8879c79a"
active = true

The command yojenkins tools rest-request "me/api/json" will make a GET request to the Jenkins server at http://localhost:8080/me/api/json using the username and API token from the authentication profile.

This command supports the following options:

  • --request-type - Type of REST request. Default is GET.
  • --raw - If set, the response will be printed as raw text. The response will not be parsed as JSON.
  • --clean-html - If set, the response will be cleaned of HTML tags. This is useful if the response is in HTML format and you only want the content.

Run Groovy Script on Server

Often times you want to run a Groovy script on the Jenkins server. The yojenkins tools run-script command allows you to do just that.

This may be useful for Jenkins administrative tasks or simply running Groovy test scripts and tutorials.

You can specify the Groovy script by using one of the following options:

  1. --text <SCRIPT TEXT>
    • The Groovy script is specified as a string within the command.
    • Example: yojenkins tools run-script --text 'println("Hello fun world")'
  2. --file <SCRIPT FILE PATH>
    • The Groovy script is specified as a file path.
    • Example: yojenkins tools run-script --file /path/to/script.groovy


In order to run a Groovy script, you must have the appropriate permissions on the Jenkins server for the user account you are using.

Setup Jenkins Shared Library

Jenkins allows users to share Groovy code libraries between jobs and pipelines. This is useful in that projects and pipelines will often share the same code. For example, a piece of code used to report test results may be used in more than one pipeline without copy-pasting it into each pipeline. Shared libraries are a way to share code between projects and pipelines.


Jenkins sharable libraries available to any Pipeline jobs running on this system. These libraries will be fully trusted, meaning they run code without “sandbox” restrictions and may use @Grab. So be careful what code is being added to a Jenkins shared library.

yojenkins provides a command to setup a shared library using the following command:

yojenkins tools shared-lib-setup

This command provides options to specify shared library setup options such as the git repository in which the shared library is stored, git branch name, and if the shared library is loaded implicitly.

As of now, the only git repository that is supported by yojenkins is GitHub.

Local Jenkins Server Setup Using Docker

yojenkins offers an easy way to quickly set up a local Jenkins server within a Docker container. This containerized server is set up and ready to go to use to test yojenkins.


The locally containerized server set up using server-deploy is for development, training, demonstration, or testing purposes only. Do not use this server for any production environments.


For the locally containerized server to work, you must have Docker installed and running. See Docker installation guide on how to install Docker.

Deploying the Local Jenkins Server

Run the following yojenkins command to set up a local and containerized Jenkins server.

yojenkins server server-deploy

If this is the very first time running this command, it will take a minute or two to complete. Any subsequent time will be faster since the base image has already been downloaded. This initial lag is due to the Docker image being downloaded and built.

Note that this command can be run without any specified options or arguments. All default options should work out of the box. However, you can use the --help option to see all available options in order to change any defaults.

Here are some examples of how to use the server-deploy command:

  • Use the Blue Ocean Jenkins Docker base image
    • yojenkins server server-deploy --image-base jenkinsci/blueocean
  • Change the default username and password
    • yojenkins server server-deploy --admin-user ismet --password Abc123
  • Use a different Jenkins configuration as code file
    • yojenkins server server-deploy --config-file /path/to/config_as_code.yaml
  • Use a custom list of plugins to create a Jenkins server
    • yojenkins server server-deploy --plugins-file /path/to/plugins.txt

Tearing Down the Local Jenkins Server

In order to tear down the local and containerized Jenkins server, run the following yojenkins command:

yojenkins server server-teardown

Behind the scenes yojenkins holds a log file which outlines any active deployments, its image used, container created, volume created, etc. When you run server-teardown it will remove the server deployment that was logged and the log file itself.

If there are any issues tearing down a running yojenkins deployed server, you can always use docker to manually remove the stop and remove the server container.

docker container ls
docker kill <CONTAINER ID>
docker container rm <CONTAINER ID>